Barbara Whyte and the Pacha Institute®


Peoples and Possibilities Summer 2000 AB
The Tool that Practitioners in the New Earth Paradigm are Using!

A famous Greek saying is "Know Thyself". This describes very clearly the essence of Cellular Reprogramming™. This non-intrusive energy system supports you to move into the new earth paradigm knowing oneself without having to remember or relive the trauma, drama or shame of the past. You might be wondering how can this be? One knows oneself by remembering or reliving the past to remember. The knowing that I am talking about goes far deeper than our everyday memory, it goes to the depths of our cellular memory! By going to the cells and removing old programs that no longer serve you and replacing them with new programs, not only allows your vibration to keep up with the new earth vibration but begins to change your DNA as well. You begin to have conscious choice about who and what you are and how you can respond to any situation. It provides the integration of feeling with thinking rather than having these two functions work independently of each other, as often is the case in our society. Keeping feelings from decisions has created an imbalance in our world affecting thousands of people, whenever little or no thought of the emotional impact was considered along with the decisions. An example of this is when the rain forests were cut devastating the people of small communities. On even a smaller scale of things what happens when you make a decision without feeling in regards to someone close to you? Only when you acknowledge and accept all of your feeling "selves", are you free of the influence of your emotional "selves". Your feeling self is your "organic" self that is found at your cellular level, were as, the emotional self is the way you think you should act or be. In Cellular Reprogramming™ the feeling aspect of your "selves" and the thinking aspect is directly integrated, the left and right brain work together so that you can respond to more than one thing at a time. Your "intuitive" is functioning at the same time as your "logical", allowing them to work in harmony.

Everything you have experienced is an energy pattern that is stored in your very cells. The information stored is what actually took place in a situation not necessarily what you thought took place. Your intellect is what often remembers the experience of a situation and your cellular structure is what holds all the information of the situation. Therefore the cellular information is not influenced or changed by unconscious desires and/or choices.

Often people have the impression that they have dealt with a situation and may even experience a major release, when in fact all they have actually accomplished is the thought that they have dealt with it. The experience of the release they had was real in the moment and it may have happened due to the fact that the therapist or facilitator had an unspoken expectation as to what was to happen and/or the person may have been responding to a group energy. These are just a couple of examples of how these releases may happen. A person is often rewarded when they have these releases, when in fact they are experiencing an illusion of dealing with a situation. When you do what is expected, and relive the drama of the past you are remaining in the old earth paradigm of duality, the place of how we "should" be.

Cellular Reprogramming™ gives you another map of reality. It supports you to maintain the vibration of the new earth paradigm, which is a way of living without judgment, allowing you to be your authentic self – accepting all aspects of your self, the wonderful aspects as well as the not so wonderful aspects. Inner reality and outer reality are equally real and acceptable in this new earth paradigm. All ideas are attainable! Cellular Reprogramming™ creates inner sustainability, curiosity and creativity to once again be present in your life without fear. Creativity in this work is not about working with your hands, it is about having three or more ideas for any situation rather than doing what is expected. It involves perception, intuition and imagination. Healing happens with grace and ease in this new earth paradigm. It is not about fixing or curing anyone or keeping one alive at all costs. Healing, using Cellular Reprogramming™ is about the well being of your mental/feeling/emotional and spiritual self. It is about non-attachment to what you "think" the outcome is to be. It gives you a leading edge tool on your journey of elevation. Imagine living in a world were you are no longer carrying the dysfunctional generations of patterns in your being! As you reprogram yourself and others you are also affecting the global vibration levels and programs. "World peace can only be achieved by inner peace"

I founded the Pacha Institute® in 1995 to manifest my vision of Illumination here on the new earth and to share the Spiral Medicine Wheel Teachings. 3% of all tuition goes into our "New Earth Youths’ Fund" at the school, "Supporting our Future". I bring over three decades experience of empowering and supporting self-mastery in clients, students and myself. I have personally regained balance in my own life when I needed to deal with emotional stresses and also at different times in my earthly experience when I was labeled with, cancer, kidney failure, asthma, allergies and pneumonia. I developed Cellular Reprogramming™ over a decade ago before anything cellular was openly acknowledged or talked about in the new age movement. Friends and clients used to comment that it sounded so technical so computer like. At that time I was told by my other worldly mentors that "Cellular Reprogramming™ was the work that I was doing and that I was to use those exact words." By the way I often felt the same as my friends and clients. Little did I know then, that cellular would become the "buss" word so to speak of today. I guess there was something to the saying when I was told by others "You are ten years ahead of your time." It gives me great pleasure to be able to share this leading edge tool with the people of Alberta in September 2000 through the practitioner in training certification program. I only teach this certification once a year outside of the school here in BC. It is an honor for me to spend my time with others who are ready to hold the "integrity" of the work and have the courage to live the "known" and the "unknown" in the new earth paradigm. I trust that each one of you who have read this far will now take the time to give yourself a hug reminding yourself what a very precious being you are. Now that you have done that, read on to hear what others are saying about the practitioner in training certification experience.           Namaste’.

It has been my experience that Cellular Reprogramming™ is profoundly effective and valuable in my life. Academic and scientific explanations only scratch the surface of Barbara Whyte’s work on the cellular level. Cellular Reprogramming™ shows me each individual’s uniqueness and it is an all encompassing tool, which is compatible with all other disciplines. It brings balance to all areas of my life. Barbara’s work has connected me to the oneness. It allows me to accept, move on, change, create and too continue to see the beauty in all. Self-discovery takes courage and the Cellular Reprogramming™ has given me a valuable tool. As a practitioner in training while completing my practicum I feel thankful for the self-empowerment this course has given me. I am offering this wonderful tool to others. Susan Dubois, TAI CHI Instructor, Energy Practitioner at 283-3961, Calgary AB

Barbara Whyte is a Master Facilitator who "walks her talk". I found her experiential classes very informative, fun and profound…following the flow of the moment - sacred work as sacred flow in sacred space. The Cellular Reprogramming™ Training offered me tools that cut to the truth; tools that aid in releasing illusionary patterns on the cellular level and tools that allow choice and living a balanced life to be in alignment with my Greater Self, thus in alignment with all Life. I highly recommend this training for working with self and others to manifest a life of Oneness. Celesttina Hart, Singer/Songwriter, Vibrational Healer, Nelson BC, Web:

LIVING WITH THE WISDOM OF MY BODY MIND SPIRIT - Last May, I began certification training with Barbara Whyte in Cellular Reprogramming™, which totally focused me on self-acceptance and self-trust. Week after week, the connection between my body-mind-spirit was deepened through the acceptance and transformation of my deep, unconscious fears about life. The old thoughts and feelings around scarcity, death, caring for and healing others, abundance, relationships and my own professional integrity quickly surfaced. A deeper individual truth was constantly "put to the test". It did not matter what my brain thought or said; the truth lay within the cells of my body. Slowly, my awareness grew to accept "both sides" of any issue of dual thinking. I learned that I no longer had to judge and separate experience into its’ parts. The relief that came with the acceptance of the "All and Oneness" in life, as it presented itself to me, was enormous. If I can accept life that way, then I can accept all of me that way too! Through Barbara's substantial knowledge of group ceremony, challenging group discussions and hours of individual practice sessions with fellow participants, I relaxed and expanded into a new sense of Myself, a place of confidence that comes with self-discipline experiences. (a process of the disciple following the Self) Due to the continual focus of being a practitioner in the NOW, the release of redundant habits and attitudes held in the cellular memory has now become the primary directive in my lifework. I believe that our anatomical structure holds and expresses our life experiences, and that the non-intrusive process of Cellular Reprogramming™ is one of the fastest and most subtle of methods developed for our personal and spiritual growth and for that of our planet. I am happy to share more of my experience with others - it will change your life! Lilli-Ann Whittall, Personal Coach, at 283-9208, The Evergreen Center, Calgary, AB

Barbara Whyte P.H., Founder, Director Pacha Institute®


Box 3018
Beaumont, AB, Canada
T4X 1K8
Phone: 1-800-701-2044

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