Winter 1999 BC
Therapy of the New Millennium - Cellular Reprogramming
About ten years ago Barbara began to recognize
a pattern in working with clients. It began when a client made
an incredible breakthrough in their therapy and would often function
well in their lives sometimes for several years. Then when a major
crisis or a stressed immune system became apparent they would
experience a reappearance of an old dysfunctional pattern. It
became apparent to Barbara that on an intellectual level these
breakthroughs were a reality and did happen, but often they were
not integrated as a cellular memory or program. Therefore the
recurring of the old pattern came from the original cellular memory
or program prior to the intellectual knowing that was a result
of the therapy. This meant that in the event of a crisis or a
stressed immune system the original cellular program would override
the intellectual knowing.
Barbara began to work with many different energy
systems in order to understand more clearly how energy patterns
or programs work at the cellular level. She came to believe that
our cells carry memories of energy patterns or programs, which
influence how we function on all levels of our being, physical
as well as emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Our bodies therefore
store information on a cellular level that can be used for our
own healing. This lead her to look at eliminating programs at
the cellular level that no longer served our highest good and
replacing them with programs that would support our highest good.
As an outcome to this exploration She developed the 3-step process
of Cellular Reprogramming a non-intrusive energy system
which eliminates deep-seated patterns at the cellular level.
All your thoughts and emotions go through the
area of the brain called the limbic system where the immune system
resides, therefore having great power over your being. It is said
that your thoughts and emotions create your reality. This work
not only transforms the way you think, but also at the same time
supports the immune system. Fear is the basis in much of our society
of poverty, fear of losing a job, fear of having no home, fear
of failing, fear of the sun, fear of the earth, fear of ourselves,
fear of the government, fear of
. No wonder we live at a
time of great disease. The immune system does not have a chance
to be strong. The emotion of fear alone keeps it weak, let alone
all the other thoughts and emotions you have. Cellular Reprogramming
can create the space for living in harmony with all your thoughts
and emotions, the negative and the positive, allowing you to integrate
your whole being, creating a resilient immune system.
Physically when disease is present, and the immune
system is unable to function at its optimum. It may indicate
that it is unable to identify the energy pattern causing your
disease. As a result your body remains in a state of unbalance.
Through Cellular Reprogramming the energy pattern of the
disease is identified to the your immune system, which than allows
the healing process to begin to regain balance for your body.
Energy patterns related to labels of disease can be different
in each person. When Barbara works with you she prefers to deal
with the unbalance of your system rather than with a label that
has been given to your disease. Labels that have been given to
people who have sought out Cellular Reprogramming are: cancer,
kidney problems, candida, arthritis, addictions, adrenal problems,
allergies, asthma, bladder problems, blood problems, blood pressure,
bowel problems, ear problems, eye problems, fatigue, herpes, hives,
hyperglycemia, diabetes, digestion disorders, menopause, and menstrual
problems, multiple sclerosis, pneumonia, P.M.S., prostate, psoriasis,
structural alignment, skin problems, urinary infections, dental
support, to name a few. Cellular Reprogramming addresses
all aspects of your life be it work, career, money, relationship,
health, life changes, life purpose
This work can be used
in any situation for you to move forward.
Barbara does not diagnose or claim to have a cure
for any of these labels, they simply are reported to her as a
label from the client. She has found however that when reprogramming
is done to bring balance into a persons life, the physical
symptoms often simply disappear. Sometimes the label itself creates
the unbalance. Her focus is with your cellular knowledge that
has the information on what needs to be done to allow your healing.
Working in this way a program set up for you is very individual.
For instance she can be working with six people who came with
a label of candida and each person would have very different things
to reprogram.
Spiritually when a person is disconnected from
the self, disease is more able to develop. When your body or mind
becomes ill or what she calls "out of balance", it means
that you need to listen and learn what is needed to rebalance
your being. Through this system you have the opportunity as mature
adults to create and write your own script of who and what you
are. What you choose to have as part of your being after the Cellular
Reprogramming is of your own free will and not a cellular
memory that was planted there from your past. What this truly
means is that you are totally responsible for who and what you
are in a conscious way. You can no longer say; " I am this
way because of
." The question is, are you ready for
this kind of responsibility? Once you accept this responsibility
you no longer have any need to attract negativity to yourself.
You now have at your disposal new ways of Thinking, Being, and
Doing, bringing magic into your life. You now have the power from
within to live your journey to your highest good, from a place
of inner sustainability!
The assessment required for Cellular Reprogramming
involves the integration of all levels of our being. No isolated
incident creates unbalance therefore no isolated situation creates
balance. It is working with the whole, which can bring balance
to the whole of our being. This work is available to you when
you are ready to be responsible to live your life fully to your
highest potential in a conscious way. You are connected to the
whole, and when you do this work you not only do it for yourself
but for all humanity as it affects the consciousness of the whole.
Barbara Whyte is the founder and director of the
Pacha Institute®. She has devoted over three decades to empowering
and supporting self-healing in herself, clients, and students.
She has personally regained balance in her own life from times
when she was labeled with the following diseases; cancer, kidney
failure, asthma, allergies, and pneumonia. Barbara brings to you
this non-intrusive energy system of Cellular Reprogramming
to support you with co-creating and conscious living in this new
Barbara Whyte P.H., Founder, Director Pacha