you have wanted and wonder why you don't have it. Now you can permanently
remove old programs using Cellular Reprogramming at your cellular
level, which interfere with your natural flow of financial abundance,
a basic need in your life. You can move forward without re-living
the past to get there. Learn how to meet your basic needs in this
busy consumer world with more grace and ease. Remove generational
programs at the cellular level that are no longer serving your highest
good. This in-depth, one-day, monthly workshop is open to the person
who is committed to living in the New Paradigm with integrity, non-judgement
and a willingness to take charge of their life be in the world financially
in a win - win way! The commitment for this program is one year
to cover the twenty-seven financial topics. Investment for the first
one-day workshop is $120.00, bring a friend and each additional
month is $100.00. Each day is from 10am - 4pm which is equivalent
to spending $581.00 on individual sessions (7hrs x $83.00 an hour
= $567.00) Maximum 9 people in the ongoing monthly workshop. Twenty-seven
financial topics are reprogrammed to support you in handling any
situation you encounter while dealing with money. You also reprogram
the vibration, color and the amount of money that resonates with
you! You experience working with the energy of gold. If any of the
above stress out your immune system, than it will be a challenge
for you to attract and work with money as you will subconsciously
avoid anything that stresses the immune system. What makes or breaks
having financial abundance are your beliefs, your desire, your willingness,
your openness, and your readiness. Are you functioning from conscious
programs on your cellular level or are you functioning from the
unconscious programs of generations' past?