Tuning Forks Certification
The Power of Sound Vibrations
This journey with sound integrates a
conscious awareness of listening into your daily life. You discover
that you have a vibration that resonates with your body. Scientifically
it has been shown how sound affects personal vibration. Discover
how you can optimize this vibration for healing through the use
of tuning forks and raise the vibration of ones body to be
in alignment with the changing vibration in ones environment.
You will explore using the voice, crystal bowls and a variety of
other instruments. This allows you to know and connect to your essence,
personal power, inspiration for life, and awakens your soul level
energy and tunes into the light energy of All Beings. You learn
how to do this work with yourself and become certified to share
this wonderful tool with family, friends and clients in their journey.
Things to Bring: sleeping bag, pillow, journal,
a give-away gift (something that you treasure that is ready to be
passed on), and a percussion instrument if you have one.
Enrolment: 9 participants
Time: Saturday 10 - Sunday 4pm
Investment: $254.00 Plus Accommodation and Food