Head Chick: Karen Murray
Web Design
Country Woodwork
About Hen House Designs

Head Chick's BIO:

I have lived in Penticton for the past 28 years and have been very fortunate to become a professional volunteer for most of my adult life. My most memorable time has been with the Penticton Community Centre where I have assisted and coordinated numerous special events for family and children.

I have been attending Okanagan University College for the past 2 1/2 years taking various computer related courses. I have received the Computer Proficency for Business Certificate, 8 months training in Web Page Design & Maintainance including HTML, Dreamweaver, Flash, Corel Draw, and Photo Shop.

When I am not busy on my computer I work in an old workshop that resembles an old Chicken Coop. I design, cut,and decorative paint country woodcrafts from singing mice to birdhouse CD cabinets. With my extensive background in special events, computers and my unique creative flair, the title of head chick will soon be transforming into Head Web Mistress.

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